About Amy

Amy Benedict is an artist of great creativity and depth who dwells in a life of artistic expression. She is a performing musician, a dancer and a painter whose work in oils and acrylics shows a keen eye for light, shadow, feeling and the beauty of the natural world that surrounds us all.

Based in Asheville, NC, Amy draws inspiration from the vibrant arts scene that thrives in the city. But when she’s not at work in her studio, she spends her time in the mountains, valleys and farms of the region that are captured in her art. She also creates still-life paintings—particularly food—that evoke memories of many long, joyous dinners in the company of friends and fellow artists of all kinds.

From the artist:

“I’ve always wanted to create. That’s been a constant in my life. But until a few years ago, I had no idea I would become a painter! I attended a plein air workshop on a whim, completely unaware that I was beginning a journey that would change my life. Since then, I have animate my own , unique vision of the world I see around me.

Of course, the devil is in the details. And lofty, artistic impulses will get you nowhere without countless hours of studying and practicing the techniques of those who have come before. But somehow, regardless of how much time I devote to the grunt work of improving, my ever-present feeling is joy. Joy for the creating, Joy for the improving. Joy for the inspiration. And, joy for sharing my work with others.

I hope you are able to look at my paintings and sense the joy I feel every time I approach an easel. I would judge that my ultimate success.

Thanks for your interest, Amy”